Michael Owen Address and Contact Number

Michael Owen Contact Phone Number is : +13236755022

and Address is Manor House Stables, Shay Lane, Hampton, Malpas, Cheshire, SY14 8AD, USA
Michael James Owen is an English former professional footballer who played as a striker for Liverpool, Real Madrid, Newcastle United, Manchester United and Stoke City, as well as the England national team. He's such a good player, so very quick and for his age he has excellent vision and awareness. He's a great player already and in one or two years he will become a very great player." Owen was rated as "the best attacker of his age in the country" in January 1997. Owen went down in English footballing history as the fourth player to win the Ballon d'Or, following Stanley Matthews, Bobby Charlton and Kevin Keegan. The award was given to him for his key role in winning five titles in 2001: the Uefa Cup, the European Super Cup, the League Cup, the FA Cup and the Community Shield. Since retiring from football in 2013, he has become a racehorse breeder and owner and regularly features as a sports pundit and commentator. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Michael Owen is mentioned in below section.

Address of Michael Owen

The address of Michael Owen is Manor House Stables, Shay Lane, Hampton, Malpas, Cheshire, SY14 8AD, USA.

Contact Number of Michael Owen

The contact number of Michael Owen is +13236755022.

Email Address of Michael Owen

The email address of Michael Owen is michael.owen@uicnet.com.

Website of Michael Owen

The Website of Michael Owen is Not Known.

Contact Person of Michael Owen

The contact person of Michael Owen is Michael Owen.

Michael Owen Source of Knowledge

Not Known
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