Michael Bloomberg Address and Contact Number

Michael Bloomberg Contact Phone Number is : (212) 788-8123

and Address is City Hall, New York, NY, USA.
Michael R. Bloomberg is a Famous American Businessman living in New York City of United States of America. He was born on 14th February 1942. Birth name of Michael R. Bloomberg is Michael Rubens Bloomberg. Susan Brown is the spouse of Michael R. Bloomberg. He is currently serving as the mayor of New York. Michael R. Bloomberg has joined as a Mayor in 2002. Michael R. Bloomberg has completed his higher Education from Johns Hopkins University. The address and contact number of Michael Bloomberg is also used for Michael Bloomberg net worth, Michael Bloomberg Obama, Michael Bloomberg entrepreneur, Michael Bloomberg linkedin, Michael Bloomberg email address, Michael Bloomberg autobiography and Michael Bloomberg foundation. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Michael Bloomberg is mentioned in below section.

Address of Michael Bloomberg

The address of Michael Bloomberg is City Hall, New York, NY, USA..

Contact Number of Michael Bloomberg

The contact number of Michael Bloomberg is (212) 788-8123.

Email Address of Michael Bloomberg

The email address of Michael Bloomberg is .

Website of Michael Bloomberg

The Website of Michael Bloomberg is www.nyc.gov.

Contact Person of Michael Bloomberg

The contact person of Michael Bloomberg is Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.

Michael Bloomberg Source of Knowledge

Michael Bloomberg Address Contact Number
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Mr. Emil RinatovichJul 24, 2022
Dear Mr. Bloomberg,
I am writing this letter cause I am facing some financial problems in my life. I am the tutor of English from Russia. I am asking you for help. I want to make my business projects. They are all about teaching English and historical facts for kinds in English.
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Ms. somiJan 25, 2022
Hello. I am askingyou for financial help to buy a house. I do not have a house. Please help me.
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Mr. romanJun 03, 2021



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Mr. arun kumarNov 02, 2020
My role model Michael Bloomberg. He is good human being. He will serve to all i know that. My aim atleast i want to stay one day to my guru.
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Ms. Rae CooperMay 23, 2020
I so admire Michael Bloomberg and sorry he stepped aside as candidate for president. Just speaking with a like-minded liberal democrat. We sincerely hope Mayor Bloomberg will use his good fortune to buy out Fox News so to have major control of the news content. Current Fox News being spewed is poisoning that large segment of American society it holds hostage. Scary

Thank you, Mayor Bloomberg for all you do. CC.
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Ms. Nancy RenaudMar 06, 2020
I always like Mike Bloomberg from the beginning. I am sorry that things didn't work out for him BUT I hope that he is going to throw his entire support behind Biden. Another person that he really needs to support is Amy McGrath. She is running against Mitch McConnell. She only has nine million dollars in her warchest. Please please get behind her and work on defeating Mitch McConnell. He is Trump's enabler. If we can get rid of McConnell it will make Trump ineffective. I do not think anyone else other than Graham will enable him like McConnell has. We need to get rid of Trump, but in the event he wins we absolutely need to get rid of McConnell. Please back her. She needs the help. Thank you.
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Mr. Lodovico Balducci M.DFeb 20, 2020
Mike Bloomberg is the only realistic hope to end the nightmare of the Trump presidency. His competitors ran for the presidency to satisfy their ego. Mike decided to run for patriotism when he realized that the hope to defeat Trump where growing slim. Elizabeth Warren should be ashamed of herself Talk is cheap, facts speak. The fact is that Mike Bloomberg is the only patriot in the group.
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Mr. rocco incorvaiaFeb 17, 2020
Mr. Bloomberg,
You are a fool. People spend their whole life studying,
soil, plants, genetics, pests, irrigation, light, air, applications and many other things. You do not know a thing about farming. You are a fool.
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Mr. rocco incorvaiaFeb 17, 2020
Dear Mr. Bloomberg,

With all do respect, you do not know a thing about farming There is life time studies just about soils There are life time studies about genetics There are life time studies about pests You do not know the first thing about plants. You are a fool.
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Mr. Patrick WhiteFeb 11, 2020
Mayer Bloomberg:
I am a centrist Democrat who is interested in seeing the Party nominate a moderate candidate to go up against Donald Trump in the 2020 election. I am interested in You as an option; but, would find it hard to vote for You if You do not participate in the debates. I have friends and family who feel the same way. Please participate in the scheduled debate on February 19th. Thanks.
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Ms. Louise DuboseFeb 04, 2020
Mr. Bloomberg, I am glad you are running for president. If the people cannot see that, those other candidates will not beat Trump, he will win again president again. Trump is not fit to be in that office. Trump cannot hold a intelligent conversation. Notice
when he speaks. We need someone who is intelligent, and not
a racist moron, and a complete dummy

why America cannot see something is wrong with this man.
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Mr. Eugene GraffFeb 01, 2020
Mike let America impeach Trump in the next election and replace him with Mike and Warren. Give America back the respect that trump has destroyed. I and my Wife will both vote.
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Mr. Donald WadeJan 24, 2020
Mr. Blumberg I am so very glad you have decided to run for President in November. I seriously doubt that any of the other Democratic candidates have a chance of defeating Trump and his Republican cronies. I have never been aligned with either political party until the present situation arose. This country will be in worse shape than it ever has been if the present regime stays in power. There seems to be no limits on this pompous mans love of self and dictatorial ego. Nor has there ever been any man in this office that is less qualified. He is profane, tactless and has no sense of international affairs. I sincerely believe you can beat him. You certainly have my vote and that of anyone I can influence.
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Ms. ADOLF HITLERJan 21, 2020

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Mr. DevinJan 05, 2020
You are a fucking retarded individual. Hell, I ran your name, SSN, I have all your information and will forward it publicly. For a firearms check for every state all 50 kid. And you did not pass a background check at all. No wonder why you are against firearms in general when you have 16 felonies and 14 misdemeanors. This will go public in 48 hours that your SSN, Name, and address could not get a firearm due to domestic violence charges which are a felony. Screenshots are taken and will be distributed. Even the ATF does not want you owning a firearm. WOW, how did a big boy like me find this out? S

Screen shotting all of this and sending it public. Along with your records. Especially the felonies.
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Ms. Janet SchwartzDec 18, 2019
I just wanted you to know I think you have to be the most selfish man in the World
If you gave me that much money to spend I would be able to help people that would really need it. I could give all it to help so many people right here where I live that it would make your head spin
I'm willing to say that you do not help people and from what I'm hearing on the news all you do is bad mouth them
I will vote for TRUMP I know for fact he has paid people's houses off and been kind to people who need it. Janet Schwartz .
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Mr. Roy ThurstonDec 16, 2019
This didn't make it any easier to reach out to the Honorable Mayor Blumberg. I was misled to believe this site would provide the direct email address for Mayor Blumberg. It didn't.
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Mr. david haugenDec 07, 2019
hey mike is you really wanted to help the people of america and not feed your own ego use your billions to buy fox news and shut it down thank you
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Mr. Bauswoto SeptredDec 06, 2019
I have an idea for your presidential campaign, but I just tried your phone number and all I got was a screeching noise on the other end, so is there another number that I can try?
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Mr. scott MillerDec 05, 2019
Where to start, We the people will not be voting for you period. Your status does not matter. Democrats have derailed this country. The corruption from the Deep state is going to be exposed. The DOJ, FBI ect can not be trusted. You running on the Democratic side questions your involvement. Granted with money comes power, but when you are against guns, and the constitution you are against America(Period) Your commercial on TV make us sick. I am sure the Skeletons in your closet run deep. I am sure you have spent your life buying what you want and believe is real in your world. A vote against trump is a vote for corruption. The government needs to be downsized and cleaned up. You will never get that kind of power. We finally has someone who can get this country back to Americans.
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Mr. Raymond Todd MitchellNov 26, 2019
Mr. Bloomberg I plan to support you in your bid for President. I'm not a political minded man, being disenfranchised because of my race, politics were never of importance. However due to lack of leadership and Hate, seeing my friends and family (Son) suffer form policies that directly effect the poor, working Real Americans. We suffering, not illegal alien, but illegally Alienated. I support you bid of the office of president. Trusting you to do better for this country, that my father fought for. And maybe my Son can see and realize this American Dream, that has evaded the people of Oppression. Thank You
R. Todd Mitchell.
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Mr. Peter GoddardNov 08, 2019
Who America needs to get USA back where we belong
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Mr. Joseph RamieriNov 07, 2019
Please put your hat in the ring for democratic presidential nominee. We need you
Joseph Ramieri
Denville, NJ.
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Mr. mulugeta misganOct 25, 2016
sir michael my name Mulugeta Misgan from ethiopia sir pleas help me by economically you are a richest in the world, but i am the poorest in the world so pleas pleas pleas help me;
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Ms. Zoe FlemingAug 10, 2016
You are nothing, but a gigantic horse's ass. It must be difficult for you, a gay Jew, to comprehend that HiLIARy is the worse thing that could happen to this country. You need to go straight to hell.
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Mr. Jovan TesicApr 30, 2016
Respect. PLEASE to you to help me financially. If you are able and if you will help me make every euro came well. My parents are sick with cancer and diabetes and my wife and I have two children and WE DO NOT WORK anywhere. We need financial help. If you are able to help thank you
Address JOHAN TESIC, Ljeskovac 48. 76300 Bijeljina, Bosna i Hercegovina
Phone 00387 65 691 733. You can send money to the account of a can and through Western Union. If you are able and if you need more information please let me know
thank you in advance
Stop racism. Respect.
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Ms. Maria tahirApr 30, 2016
Respected sir I am MariaTahir from Mirpur Ajk Pakistan. I have five son. My husband is died. I have no money to childrens egucation. Please help me and give me some money. Thanks.
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Mr. Ram milan kaushalMar 05, 2016
Request Letter
Mr. Michael Bloomberg helped me to understand my son in the service of course pleased to help to fine tune the whole world is a small businessman I missed a little bit i will lose my money market and farmers of the money I had now I have neither the market went in the loss to the farmers and not to not have any money left to trade Atamam hand Nivednha added that emails being surely help to understand his son's son, which emails the same dealer and able to improve the life of the business and with your help will be the great grace of a new life you could Suruwat
HDFC Branch RudauliFaizabad(up) India
IFSC Code-HDFC0002796
AC. No-27967610000024
Email Id-rammilan168@gmail.com
Mo. No-09956737946-09120106252

TIN no-09321708540.
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Ms. mohsen taheriFeb 10, 2016
From iran
Hello Mr bloomberg
Exceause me that I can not speake english
???? ????? ?? ??? ???? ??????? ??? ??? ?? ?? ????? ????? ??? ???????? ???? ???????? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ?? ????????? ?????? ????? ????. ????? ?? ??? ?? ????? ????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ?? ????? ? ????? ?? ???????? ????? ????? ????? ? ??? ????? ???? ????? ?? ???? ????? ? ???? ??????? ?? ??? ???? ???? ???????? ????? ??? ??? ??????? ??6000$?? ??? ?? ??????? ???????? ????? ?? ?? ?????? ? ?? ? ??????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ??? ?? ??????? ???? ????? ??? ? ??? ???? ?? ????? ????????? ??????? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ??????? ????? ??? ??? ??? ???????? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?? ???? ??????? ? ?? ???????? ?? ?? ????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?? ?????:?? ?? ??????????? ??????????? ?? ??? ??????? ????? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ?? ??? ?????????? ?????? ???? ?????????? ????????? ??? ???????? ???? 50$??? ????. ????? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????
????????????? ???
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Mr. Mr. Kemuel T. MahtehJan 30, 2016
I am Mr.KemuelT.Mahteh and a Medical Laboratory Technician. My plain and action is to save lives within the health certain. That has been the prayer for my goals. In my weak ways I have try to open a Medical Health Center namely: (Kemuel T. Mahteh Medical Health Center). This Facility is just five months old, but overloaded with patients. Now I am totally short of spaces while I am still renting, short of laboratory and the health center supplies, and absolutely no founds to pay workers and rentage. I have already gotten land to build the health center, but no finance to start this project. So this is really my dream. I am a Liberian. A country that is situated on the west. Coast of Africa. And this facility is actually in one of its county meeting the needs of the natives. So with God above I am kindly asking for your moral and financial supports to enable my dream to be completed. Than.
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