John Michael Greer Address and Contact Number

John Michael Greer Contact Phone Number is : +1 (301) 722 0851

and Address is 80 E Main St. Spartanburg, SC 29306, USA
John Michael Greer is most famous for his in-depth analysis of Pluto in astrology, particularly in his book "The Twilight of Pluto," which explores the societal and historical impacts of Pluto's planetary cycles, often linking them to major societal shifts and transformations; he is also widely recognized for his writings on Druidry and other esoteric subjects, combining astrology with ecological and societal commentary. His most prominent contribution is his deep exploration of Pluto's influence in astrology, viewing it as a powerful force driving major societal change. Beyond astrology, Greer is a prominent writer on Druidic traditions and other occult subjects, often integrating these perspectives into his astrological interpretations. He frequently uses astrology to analyze current events and societal trends, often focusing on themes of collapse and transformation. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of John Michael Greer is mentioned in below section.

Address of John Michael Greer

The address of John Michael Greer is 80 E Main St. Spartanburg, SC 29306, USA.

Contact Number of John Michael Greer

The contact number of John Michael Greer is +1 (301) 722 0851.

Email Address of John Michael Greer

The email address of John Michael Greer is

Website of John Michael Greer

The Website of John Michael Greer is

Contact Person of John Michael Greer

The contact person of John Michael Greer is John Michael Greer.

John Michael Greer Source of Knowledge
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