Lupin Limited Address and Contact Number

Lupin Limited Contact Phone Number is : +91(022) 66402323, +(91)-22-66402051

and Address is Jasmine Building, 159, C S T Road, Kalina, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400098, India
Lupin Limited is a multiNational pharmaceutical Company formed in 1968 based at Mumbai. Dr. Desh Bandhu Gupta was the founder of Lupin. The Lupin Laboratories Pvt Ltd was incorporated in 1972. As per the statistics it is the 2nd largest Pharmaceutical Company in India. The vision of the Company is to become “An Innovation Led, TransNational Pharmaceutical Company.” The Company aim to become top generic pharmaceutical Company by setting unique standards and benchmarks to deliver world class products. Lupin’s Research & Development team has 1,200 scientists housed at the headquarters in Lupin Research park in Pune. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lupin Limited is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lupin Limited

The address of Lupin Limited is Jasmine Building, 159, C S T Road, Kalina, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400098, India.

Contact Number of Lupin Limited

The contact number of Lupin Limited is +91(022) 66402323, +(91)-22-66402051.

Email Address of Lupin Limited

The email address of Lupin Limited is .

Website of Lupin Limited

The Website of Lupin Limited is

Lupin Limited Address Contact Number
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