Glenmuir High School Address and Contact Number

Glenmuir High School Contact Phone Number is : (876) 9862372

and Address is 10 Glenmuir Road, Clarendon, Jamaica, West Indies
Glenmuir High School is a School that offers Education for 9-12 grade Students and also offers various activities(drama, debating, quiz and choral music). The School was established by the late Rt. Reverend Percival Gibson, Bishop of Jamaica on 15 September 1958 Monacia Williams is the current principal of the School. It is located at Glenmuir Road, Clarendon, Jamaica, West Indies. The School has spread in an area of around 25 acre. It also provides athletic activities like Football, netball, cricket, table Tennis and basketball. The address and contact number of Glenmuir High School is also used for Glenmuir high School choir, Glenmuir high School Football team and Glenmuir high School motto. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Glenmuir High School is mentioned in below section.

Address of Glenmuir High School

The address of Glenmuir High School is 10 Glenmuir Road, Clarendon, Jamaica, West Indies.

Contact Number of Glenmuir High School

The contact number of Glenmuir High School is (876) 9862372.

Email Address of Glenmuir High School

The email address of Glenmuir High School is .

Website of Glenmuir High School

The Website of Glenmuir High School is

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Glenmuir High School Address Contact Number
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