Garinger High School Address and Contact Number

Garinger High School Contact Phone Number is : +1-980-343-6450

and Address is 1100 Eastway Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina 28205, North Carolina, United States
Garinger High School is a public high School situated at 1100 Eastway Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States. It was started in the year of 1959. Garinger High School is one of the oldest Schools in Charlotte. Kondra Rattley is currently principal of the School. The School has about 107 teachers and more than 1786 Students. The Garinger High School is named after Dr Elmer H Garinger who was superintendent of the Charlotte City Schools. The address and contact number of Garinger High School is also used for Garinger high School yearbooks, Garinger high School Football schedule, Garinger high School rating and Garinger high School reviews. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Garinger High School is mentioned in below section.

Address of Garinger High School

The address of Garinger High School is 1100 Eastway Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina 28205, North Carolina, United States.

Contact Number of Garinger High School

The contact number of Garinger High School is +1-980-343-6450.

Email Address of Garinger High School

The email address of Garinger High School is .

Website of Garinger High School

The Website of Garinger High School is .

Garinger High School Address Contact Number
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