Glenelg High School Address and Contact Number

Glenelg High School Contact Phone Number is : +1 410-313-5528

and Address is 14025 Burntwoods Road, Glenelg, Maryland 21737, United States
The Glenelg High School is a private School situated that was established in 1958. Mr Schindler is the principal of the School. The School has over 1,185 enrollment of Students. The Glenelg High School offers Education to 9-12 grade. The Glenelg High School is the member of Howard County Public Schools. The School participates in many different sporting events such as Football, basketball, soccer, volleyball, wrestling, ICE hockey, golf, basketball, baseball and many more. It provides best Education Environment for the Students. The address and contact number of Glenelg High School is also used for Glenelg high School homecoming , Glenelg high School Football roster and Glenelg high School suiCIDe. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Glenelg High School is mentioned in below section.

Address of Glenelg High School

The address of Glenelg High School is 14025 Burntwoods Road, Glenelg, Maryland 21737, United States.

Contact Number of Glenelg High School

The contact number of Glenelg High School is +1 410-313-5528.

Email Address of Glenelg High School

The email address of Glenelg High School is

Website of Glenelg High School

The Website of Glenelg High School is

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Glenelg High School Address Contact Number
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