Gary Player Address and Contact Number

Gary Player Contact Phone Number is : +27 83 400 0971

and Address is Blvd, 3277, Blue Valley Golf Estate, Centurion, South Africa
Gary James Player DMS OIG is a South African retired professional golfer who is widely considered to be one of the greatest golfers of all time. During his career, Player won nine major championships on the regular tour and nine major championships on the Champions Tour. He has won nine major championships, including the 1965 U.S. Open, which made him the only non-American to win all four majors in a career. He designed more than 135 golf courses on five continents. He received a lifetime achievement award from the PGA in 2012. He was also known for his fitness and work ethic, and his weekly competitions with Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer helped popularize golf in the 1960s. He earned the nickname "The Black Knight" for his looks and outfits on the course. He is still playing golf and breaking his age on the course. He played in the 2024 Senior Open Championship pro-am and the PNC Championship. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Gary Player is mentioned in below section.

Address of Gary Player

The address of Gary Player is Blvd, 3277, Blue Valley Golf Estate, Centurion, South Africa.

Contact Number of Gary Player

The contact number of Gary Player is +27 83 400 0971.

Email Address of Gary Player

The email address of Gary Player is

Website of Gary Player

The Website of Gary Player is

Contact Person of Gary Player

The contact person of Gary Player is Gary Player.

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