Gary Lineker Address and Contact Number

Gary Lineker Contact Phone Number is : +44 (0)20 3822 0003

and Address is 24 Capital Business Centre, 22 Carlton Road, South Croydon, Surrey, England, UK
Gary Winston Lineker OBE is an English sports broadcaster and former professional footballer. Lineker is the only player to have been the top goalscorer in England with three clubs: Leicester City, Everton and Tottenham Hotspur. He also played for Barcelona in Spain, and won 80 caps for England. Known for his ability to find gaps in the opposition's defence, and his "poacher's instinct" , Lineker was the 1986 World Cup Golden Boot winner, and the top goal-scorer in England three times, each with a different club: Leicester City, Everton and Tottenham Hotspur. Gary Lineker is the 399th most popular all-time person and the 30th most popular all-time sports personality.
Gary Lineker is a former England football captain and TV pundit who is set to leave his role as host of Match of the Day at the end of the season. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Gary Lineker is mentioned in below section.

Address of Gary Lineker

The address of Gary Lineker is 24 Capital Business Centre, 22 Carlton Road, South Croydon, Surrey, England, UK.

Contact Number of Gary Lineker

The contact number of Gary Lineker is +44 (0)20 3822 0003.

Email Address of Gary Lineker

The email address of Gary Lineker is

Website of Gary Lineker

The Website of Gary Lineker is Not Known.

Contact Person of Gary Lineker

The contact person of Gary Lineker is Gary Lineker.

Gary Lineker Source of Knowledge

Not Known
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