Gary Ackerman Address and Contact Number

Gary Ackerman Contact Phone Number is : (202) 225-2601

and Address is 2111 Rayburn House Office Building House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515
Gary Ackerman also reffered to as Gary Leonard Ackerman. He was born in Jewish Family on 19 November 1942. He studied in Queens College and married to Rita Gale Tewel. Gary Arckerman was the US representative for New York fifth Congrential district from January 3, 1993 – January 3, 2013. He is Succeeded by Gregory Meeks. The address and contact number of Gary Ackerman is also used for Representative Gary Ackerman email address, Gary Ackerman chief of staff, Representative Gary Ackerman staff, Gary Ackerman Madoff, Gary Ackerman foster pepper, Gary Ackerman artist, Gary Ackerman WPTF and Congressman Gary Ackerman. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Gary Ackerman is mentioned in below section.

Address of Gary Ackerman

The address of Gary Ackerman is 2111 Rayburn House Office Building House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515.

Contact Number of Gary Ackerman

The contact number of Gary Ackerman is (202) 225-2601.

Email Address of Gary Ackerman

The email address of Gary Ackerman is .

Website of Gary Ackerman

The Website of Gary Ackerman is

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Gary Ackerman Address Contact Number
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