Badruka College Address and Contact Number

Badruka College Contact Phone Number is : 040 24732832

and Address is Kacheguda, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Badruka College is a commerce College established in 1950. The College was started with the aim to set a Commerce College in Hindi Medium but on the recommendation of Nawab Ali Yawar Bahadur, the then VICE-Chancellor of Osmania University it was started in English medium. The Badruka College is arranged into different Colleges of Commerce, Management, Information Technology, etc. The address and contact number of Badruka College is also used for Badruka Degree College, Badruka College for Mba, Badruka College Mba fees, Badruka College admissions, Badruka College mba placements, Badruka Degree College courses, Badruka College Kachiguda and Badruka College of Management. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Badruka College is mentioned in below section.

Address of Badruka College

The address of Badruka College is Kacheguda, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Contact Number of Badruka College

The contact number of Badruka College is 040 24732832.

Email Address of Badruka College

The email address of Badruka College is .

Website of Badruka College

The Website of Badruka College is

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Badruka College Address Contact Number
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