Baruch College Address and Contact Number

Baruch College Contact Phone Number is : (646) 312-1000

and Address is 55 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA
Baruch College is officially known as Bernard M. Baruch College is one of the well known public universities situated in New York City, NY, USA. In 1968, the College into existence as an independent College.
Baruch runs numerous undergraduate and masters degrees through its various School these includes: Zicklin School of Business, the largest Business School in the United States; School of arts and Sciences; and School of Public Affairs. The College has State of the art facilities such as lecture hall which accommodates about 500 Students; information and Technology library; fully furnished Academic Centers, Student Center, Athletics center etc. Currently, the College is imparting Education to approximately 12,870 Undergraduates and 3,240 Postgraduates, with the help of 700 staff members. Bearcat is the mascot of the College. The College is being run under the observation of Mr: Mitchel Wallerstein, as he is president of the College. The address and contact number of Baruch College is also used for Baruch College address vertical Campus, Baruch vertical Campus address, Baruch Campus map, Baruch multipurpose room, Baruch College vertical Campus building, Contact Cuny Baruch and Baruch College Financial Engineering. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Baruch College is mentioned in below section.

Address of Baruch College

The address of Baruch College is 55 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA.

Contact Number of Baruch College

The contact number of Baruch College is (646) 312-1000.

Email Address of Baruch College

The email address of Baruch College is .

Website of Baruch College

The Website of Baruch College is

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Baruch College Address Contact Number
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