Areva Noida Address and Contact Number

Areva Noida Contact Phone Number is : (120) 4790000, 4790104

and Address is A-7 Sector-65, Noida-201301, Uttar Pradesh, India
The Areva T&D India Private Limited Company is Paris based multiNational Company working in the field of minning and Energy industry. The Company was founded in 2011 and working worldwide since its inception and continuously growing with the strong commitment and dedicated workforce of more than 5 thousand employees. The Company is also manufacturing electrical devICEs such as transformer, circuit breaker, power Systems etc. The address and contact number of Areva Noida is also used for Areva Noida offICE, Areva Noida address, Areva jobs, Areva Noida jobs and Areva electricals. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Areva Noida is mentioned in below section.

Address of Areva Noida

The address of Areva Noida is A-7 Sector-65, Noida-201301, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Contact Number of Areva Noida

The contact number of Areva Noida is (120) 4790000, 4790104.

Email Address of Areva Noida

The email address of Areva Noida is .

Website of Areva Noida

The Website of Areva Noida is

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Areva Noida Address Contact Number
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