Whitby Go Station Address and Contact Number

Whitby Go Station Contact Phone Number is : 416 869-3200, Toll Free 1 888 438-6646

and Address is 1350 Brock Street South, Whitby, ON
Whitby GO Station is located in Whitby, Ontario, Canada. It works under GO network having bus and train Station. This Station is exactly located at the stopping junction of Lakeshore East line train servICE. Lakeshore east is one of the seven train lines which form an integral part of GO Transit System in the Greater Toronto Area. It finds it way from Union Station which is in Toronto to Oshawa. The Lakeshore East line is considered as the second oldest of GO network. Go bus servICE and transit routes run within Whitby.
More Facts
The tracks of GO’s network run within the Whitby GO Station. There stairs leads to underground raised passageway connecting different section either side of the Station . north-east section of the Station building, contains bus servICE that provides the passenger Pick-up and Drop-off servICE, and a small parking lot is located to the north-west side. The western side comprises of larger parking lot as well as the parking garage. The parking lot can have space of 2,958 parking Vehicles (366-to the north lot; 1,644- to the south lot; 500-to the temporary southwest lot; 248- to the east lot; 200- to the leased lot)Car pooling can also be done.
The ticket counter of Station is inside the Station building, and the timings starts from 5 AM (6:25 on the days of weekends) and tickets are provided till midnight.
The GO Transits project will improve the west parking lot of Whitby GO Station.It is set to revolutionize the parking of Whitby Go Station. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Whitby Go Station is mentioned in below section.

Address of Whitby Go Station

The address of Whitby Go Station is 1350 Brock Street South, Whitby, ON.

Contact Number of Whitby Go Station

The contact number of Whitby Go Station is 416 869-3200, Toll Free 1 888 438-6646.

Email Address of Whitby Go Station

The email address of Whitby Go Station is .

Website of Whitby Go Station

The Website of Whitby Go Station is .

Whitby Go Station Address Contact Number
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