West Bengal Legislative Assembly Address and Contact Number
West Bengal Legislative Assembly Contact Phone Number is : 1-800-110-440
and Address is B.B.D Bagh, Kolkata, West Bengal, IndiaWest Bengal Legislative assembly is a unicameral legislature of West Bengal, India. The assembly was formed in the year 1862. The members of legislative assembly in West Bengal is 295 which is elected directly by citizens of that State. The elected members of assembly run the Government. The current speaker of the assembly is Biman Banerjee. The legislative assembly members enjoyed their five year term in various departments. The address and contact number of West Bengal Legislative assembly is also used for West Bengal Legislative assembly Election, West Bengal Legislative assembly secretariat, Official Website West Bengal Legislative assembly, West Bengal Legislative assembly logo and West Bengal Legislative assembly standing committee. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of West Bengal Legislative Assembly is mentioned in below section.
Address of West Bengal Legislative Assembly
The address of West Bengal Legislative Assembly is B.B.D Bagh, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.Contact Number of West Bengal Legislative Assembly
The contact number of West Bengal Legislative Assembly is 1-800-110-440.Email Address of West Bengal Legislative Assembly
The email address of West Bengal Legislative Assembly is .Website of West Bengal Legislative Assembly
The Website of West Bengal Legislative Assembly is .Email this information
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