Maharashtra Legislative Assembly Address and Contact Number
Maharashtra Legislative Assembly Contact Phone Number is : 9890839164
and Address is Mumbai-400032, Maharashtra, IndiaMaharashtra Legislative assembly is the Law maker unit for the State of Maharashtra. It is also known as Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha. The assembly has 289 members; from which 288 members are directly elected and one is nominated. It is the lower house of bicameral legislature of the State. Indian National Congress and Bharatiya Janata Party are the major parties in the assembly. The address and contact number of Maharashtra Legislative assembly is also used for Maharashtra Legislative Council, Maharashtra Legislative assembly Members, Maharashtra Legislative assembly Secretariat and Maharashtra Legislative assembly Election. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly is mentioned in below section.
Address of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly
The address of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly is Mumbai-400032, Maharashtra, India.Contact Number of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly
The contact number of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly is 9890839164.Email Address of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly
The email address of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly is .Website of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly
The Website of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly is .Email this information
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