San Carlos Borromeo De Carmelo Mission Address and Contact Number

San Carlos Borromeo De Carmelo Mission Contact Phone Number is : +1 831-624-1271

and Address is 3080 Rio Road Carmel, California, United States
San Carlos Borromeo del rio Carmelo Mission is a Roman catholic church located in California, United States. The church is also named as Carmel Mission. It is listed in Register of Historic Places and designated as U.S. National Historic Landmark. San Carlos Borromeo del rio Carmelo Mission served as the headquarters for the original upper Las Californias Province missions operated by Father Junípero Serra from 1770 to 1784. It was used to house the Father Fermin Francisco de Lasuen, a padre presidente. The church faced demolition in 1850s and was renovated in 1884. Today it is known as a parish church and is the existing California Missions with the original bell tower dome. The address and contact number of San Carlos Borromeo De Carmelo Mission is also used for Mission San Carlos Borromeo Carmelo daily life, San Carlos Borromeo De Carmelo map, San Carlos Borromeo De Carmelo architecture and Mission San Carlos Borromeo Carmelo timeline. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of San Carlos Borromeo De Carmelo Mission is mentioned in below section.

Address of San Carlos Borromeo De Carmelo Mission

The address of San Carlos Borromeo De Carmelo Mission is 3080 Rio Road Carmel, California, United States.

Contact Number of San Carlos Borromeo De Carmelo Mission

The contact number of San Carlos Borromeo De Carmelo Mission is +1 831-624-1271.

Email Address of San Carlos Borromeo De Carmelo Mission

The email address of San Carlos Borromeo De Carmelo Mission is .

Website of San Carlos Borromeo De Carmelo Mission

The Website of San Carlos Borromeo De Carmelo Mission is

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