Mission San Diego De Alcala Address and Contact Number

Mission San Diego De Alcala Contact Phone Number is : +1619283-7319

and Address is 10818 San Diego Mission Road, San Diego, California 92108, United States
Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcala was the oldest Franciscan mission in the Las California established on the July 16, 1769 by the Spanish friar Junipero Serra. It is located in San Diego, California, United States and is governed by the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego. It was the site of the first and oldest Christian burial in Alta California and the mission is also a National Historic Landmark. The main goal of the mission was to become self-sufficient in a short period of time. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Mission San Diego De Alcala is mentioned in below section.

Address of Mission San Diego De Alcala

The address of Mission San Diego De Alcala is 10818 San Diego Mission Road, San Diego, California 92108, United States.

Contact Number of Mission San Diego De Alcala

The contact number of Mission San Diego De Alcala is +1619283-7319.

Email Address of Mission San Diego De Alcala

The email address of Mission San Diego De Alcala is .

Website of Mission San Diego De Alcala

The Website of Mission San Diego De Alcala is www.missionsandiego.com.

Mission San Diego De Alcala Source of Knowledge

Mission San Diego De Alcala Address Contact Number
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