Rituparno Ghosh Address and Contact Number

Rituparno Ghosh Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
Rituparno Ghosh is a Bengali Film Director. He was born on 31 August 1963 Age 49, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. His father was a Famous documentary film maker. He achieved the Best Director National film award for his Bengali Film. As a Director, he directed various bengali films namely Hirer Angti, Unishe April, Dahan, Chokher Bali, Utsab, Titli, Shubho Mahurat, Raincoat, Noukadubi, Khela, Shob Charitro Kalponik etc. He achieved the National film award for the Movie of Chitrangada. The address and contact number of Rituparno Ghosh is also used for Rituparno Ghosh biography, Rituparno Ghosh mir, Rituparno Ghosh Movies online, Rituparno Ghosh interview and Rituparno Ghosh Movies you tube. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Rituparno Ghosh is mentioned in below section.

Address of Rituparno Ghosh

The address of Rituparno Ghosh is Kolkata, West Bengal, India..

Contact Number of Rituparno Ghosh

The contact number of Rituparno Ghosh is NA.

Email Address of Rituparno Ghosh

The email address of Rituparno Ghosh is .

Website of Rituparno Ghosh

The Website of Rituparno Ghosh is .

Contact Person of Rituparno Ghosh

The contact person of Rituparno Ghosh is Rituparno Ghosh.
Rituparno Ghosh Address Contact Number
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Rituparno Ghosh User Reports

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Ms. soma guptaJun 01, 2013
He is one of the legend director. He is konwn internationally.
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Mr. Sisir LenkaMay 31, 2013
Rituparno Ghosh was a dictator to himself. He always did what he wanted and lived life on his own terms. I salute a human being like this.
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