Dr Apurba Ghosh Address and Contact Number

Dr Apurba Ghosh Contact Phone Number is : +(91)-9830052887 , 24257397

and Address is 7, Flat 3 B, Central Park East, Jadavpur University, Kolkata - 700032, West Bengal, India
Dr Apurba Ghosh is well known child specialist doctor in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. She lives at above written address. The address and contact number of Dr Apurba Ghosh is also used for Dr Apurba Ghosh chamber address, Dr Apurba Ghosh bondel road, Dr Apurba Ghosh chamber child specialist, Dr Apurba Ghosh Santoshpur and Dr Apurba Ghosh oncologist. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dr Apurba Ghosh is mentioned in below section.

Address of Dr Apurba Ghosh

The address of Dr Apurba Ghosh is 7, Flat 3 B, Central Park East, Jadavpur University, Kolkata - 700032, West Bengal, India.

Contact Number of Dr Apurba Ghosh

The contact number of Dr Apurba Ghosh is +(91)-9830052887 , 24257397.

Email Address of Dr Apurba Ghosh

The email address of Dr Apurba Ghosh is .

Website of Dr Apurba Ghosh

The Website of Dr Apurba Ghosh is .

Contact Person of Dr Apurba Ghosh

The contact person of Dr Apurba Ghosh is Dr Apurba Ghosh.
Dr Apurba Ghosh Address Contact Number
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Dr Apurba Ghosh User Reports

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Ms. DeeyaAug 31, 2021
Tried to book an appointment by dialing all the mentioned numbers, none of them are responding. This is extremely strange in case of a medical emergency.
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Mr. Deepak SharmaJan 17, 2016
Goooooood Afternoon Mam

I am DeepakSharma from meerut mam my childhood dream is i want to be a good actor and famous i have talent for actor, but i have no good way so please give me only one chance i don’t need to money i need to only one chance so please give me only chance i will humble request for you mam i am wait for your reply sir

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Mr. Kallol ChakrabartiNov 13, 2013
I was forced to bring my grandson from Gujrat at his five+ age, for his inability to cope with the water problem, which gave him continuous suffering from stomach related diseases as well as fever and cough and cold. My niece told me about Dr. Ghosh. Actually, i was puzzled as because of my grandsons continued sufferings in Kolkata too. Local doctors in clinics with exhorbitant charges and theirs referring to paths made me almost mad. Without delaying after i got the information of Dr. Ghosh, I went there and found him as God in doctor's disguise. His care and treatrment helped my grandson to recover his health and pleasure came back in his life. Joydeepto is my grandson's name and he is very fond of the doctor. More to that it actually gives me a feel good when I find him in the chamber, but getting assisted with junior doctors and staff. In relation to that his fees is very nominal and his treatment is no doubt the ideal for treatment of children. I thank him and wish him long pink.
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