Pvr Ambience Address and Contact Number

Pvr Ambience Contact Phone Number is : +9101244665543

and Address is PVR Ambience, DLF City Phase III, Gurgaon, India
PVR Ambience is a film theatre situated inside the mall named Ambience Mall. PVR Ambience is a part of PVR Cinema. The mall is located at Gurgaon, India and the PVR cinema attracts many visitors during the weekends for the Movie shows. The PVR mall is very Famous chain of cinema theaters in all over the Country. The PVR cinema provides best sound and video quality for its customers. The retail center is the preferred location for the customers of all age of customers. The mall is having 4 theatre cinemas in it for offering variety of Movie show for the viewers. The address and contact number of Pvr Ambience is also used for Pvr cinemas, Pvr Ambience mall vasant kunj, Pvr Ambience gold class ticket prICE, Pvr Ambience mall vasant kunj show timings, Pvr Ambience mall contact number, Pvr Ambience mall phone number, Pvr Ambience gold class facilities and Pvr Ambience gold class ticket booking. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Pvr Ambience is mentioned in below section.

Address of Pvr Ambience

The address of Pvr Ambience is PVR Ambience, DLF City Phase III, Gurgaon, India.

Contact Number of Pvr Ambience

The contact number of Pvr Ambience is +9101244665543.

Email Address of Pvr Ambience

The email address of Pvr Ambience is .

Website of Pvr Ambience

The Website of Pvr Ambience is www.pvrcinemas.com.

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Pvr Ambience Address Contact Number
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