Olguta Berbec Address and Contact Number

Olguta Berbec Contact Phone Number is : +40 0742866195

and Address is Marasesti, Baia de Arama, Mehedin?i, Romania.
Musician Olguta Berbec from Romania is an expert in European Romani folk music. Olguta Berbec is the artist who, besides her warm voice and native talent, has the great advantage of being beautiful and bright. Olguta's voice, clean style, love for music are her arguments for becoming a very successful singer. Olguta Berbec is the artist who, besides her warm voice and native talent, has the great advantage of being beautiful and bright. Her strong vocals and the usage of ancient Romani instruments like the cimbalom and accordion are what set Berbec's music apart. Olguta Berbec has many qualities: she is serious, correct, she has self-imposed work discipline, very good diction and musical memory. She knows that limits are required in everything. She has good taste, without showing off. Now, she is channelling all her energy towards the cooperation with the radio and TV stations, but also towards the new album that has just come. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Olguta Berbec is mentioned in below section.

Address of Olguta Berbec

The address of Olguta Berbec is Marasesti, Baia de Arama, Mehedin?i, Romania..

Contact Number of Olguta Berbec

The contact number of Olguta Berbec is +40 0742866195.

Email Address of Olguta Berbec

The email address of Olguta Berbec is olgutaberbec@yahoo.ro.

Website of Olguta Berbec

The Website of Olguta Berbec is berbecolguta.wordpress.com.

Contact Person of Olguta Berbec

The contact person of Olguta Berbec is Gheorghe Porumbel.

Olguta Berbec Source of Knowledge

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