Libjpeg Address and Contact Number

Libjpeg Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is NA
libjpeg is a commonly used free software library managed by the Independent JPEG Group (IJG), an informal Company which is not affiliated with the JPEG ISO panel.. The library is written in C which utilizes JPEG decoding and encoding functions for managing JPEG pictures. The JPEG implementation was first openly launched on October 1991 and has been significantly developed since that time. The aMount of compression can be modified to get the preferred trade-off between visual qualities and file size. The numbers of utility Programs available with libjpeg are: cjpeg and djpeg, rdjpgcom and wrjpgcom and jpegtran. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Libjpeg is mentioned in below section.

Address of Libjpeg

The address of Libjpeg is NA.

Contact Number of Libjpeg

The contact number of Libjpeg is NA.

Email Address of Libjpeg

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