Husson University Address and Contact Number

Husson University Contact Phone Number is : +1 207-941-7000

and Address is 1 College Cir, Bangor, ME 04401, United States
Husson University is a public University located in Bangor city of United States. The University was established in 1898. Robert A. Clark is the president of the University. University has about 3,500 Students. College Campus is spread in an area of about 200 acres and furnished with suburban facilities. New England School of Communications is a part of this University. Mascot representing this University is Eagle. This University is affiliated with National Collegiate Athletic Association and Division III (NCAA). Husson University is the largest University of Maine State of United States. University provides bachelors and masters degree in multiple disciplines of arts, Commerce and sciences. The address and contact number of Husson University is also used for Husson University ranking, Husson University reviews, Husson University occupational therapy, Husson University tuition, Husson University pharmacy, Husson University physical therapy, Husson University bookstore and Husson University library. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Husson University is mentioned in below section.

Address of Husson University

The address of Husson University is 1 College Cir, Bangor, ME 04401, United States.

Contact Number of Husson University

The contact number of Husson University is +1 207-941-7000.

Email Address of Husson University

The email address of Husson University is .

Website of Husson University

The Website of Husson University is

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