Julia Zahra Address and Contact Number
Julia Zahra Contact Phone Number is : +1 (909) 99 90123
and Address is 118 W First St. Dayton, OH 45402, United States of AmericaJulie Ann Zahra (born 1982 in Malta) is a Maltese politician and singer who represented Malta in the Eurovision Song Contest in Istanbul, Turkey, in May 2004. As part of the duo "Julie & Ludwig", their song On Again... Off Again qualified for the final and came 12th out of 36 countries competing. Zahra is a classically trained singer who has been actively involved in music from a very young age. She took part in many local and international festivals, TV drama, music videos, and theatre. She moved to the United Kingdom to expand her singing career and to continue studying classical voice. As of September 12, 2024, Julia Zahra's popularity is 36/100 on Chartmetric, with a playlist reach of 3.25 million. Julia Zahra is a Dutch singer-songwriter who released the album Remedy in 2021. You can listen to her music on streaming services and buy vinyl records. You can also find her on YouTube. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Julia Zahra is mentioned in below section.
Address of Julia Zahra
The address of Julia Zahra is 118 W First St. Dayton, OH 45402, United States of America.Contact Number of Julia Zahra
The contact number of Julia Zahra is +1 (909) 99 90123.Email Address of Julia Zahra
The email address of Julia Zahra is Bookings@muzink.nl.Website of Julia Zahra
The Website of Julia Zahra is Not Known.Contact Person of Julia Zahra
The contact person of Julia Zahra is Julia Zahra.Email this information
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