Julia Paes Address and Contact Number

Julia Paes Contact Phone Number is : +1 1202 644220

and Address is Ground Floor, Allenview House, Hanham Road, Wimborne, BH21 1AS.
Gislaine Fernandes de Sousa Leme, best known as Julia Paes, is a Brazilian model, singer and former adult actress. She is currently is a singer of forró genre. Her debut album was released in late 2010 and a follow-up album was released at the end of 2011. In 2006, Paes was voted one of the sexiest one hundred people in the world by People Magazine. After that international projection, she hired an agent. Juliana Couto Paes (born 26 March 1979) is a Brazilian actress and former model. She became nationally known in telenovelas and modelling. Born in Rio Bonito, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Paes is of Black, Portuguese, Bolivian, indigenous Brazilian and Spanish descent. She has been married to Carlos Eduardo Baptista since September 9, 2008. They have two children. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Julia Paes is mentioned in below section.

Address of Julia Paes

The address of Julia Paes is Ground Floor, Allenview House, Hanham Road, Wimborne, BH21 1AS..

Contact Number of Julia Paes

The contact number of Julia Paes is +1 1202 644220.

Email Address of Julia Paes

The email address of Julia Paes is jpaesnelson@gmail.com.

Website of Julia Paes

The Website of Julia Paes is julianapaes.com.br.

Contact Person of Julia Paes

The contact person of Julia Paes is Julia Paes.

Julia Paes Source of Knowledge

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