Jackson Wang Address and Contact Number

Jackson Wang Contact Phone Number is : +1 (424) 324 1088

and Address is 311 E 23rd St Apt 8nn, New York, New York 10010, USA
Jackson Wang is a Hong Kong rapper, singer, and songwriter. He is a member of the South Korean boy band Got7, formed by JYP Entertainment, and the founder of record label Team Wang, where he serves as the creative director and lead designer for its subsidiary fashion brand Team Wang Design. Wang has won awards including Record of the Year at the Asian Pop Music Awards and Most Influential Overseas Artist of the Year at the Tencent Video All Star Night 2023. Wang competed in the Youth Olympics as a fencer and earned a scholarship in the United States. Wang is known for his generous spirit and charitable gestures. For example, he donated the entire compensation he won in a defamation case in 2019. He also gifted his GOT7 bandmates custom-made friendship bracelets. Wang is a sportsman who enjoys the outdoors and outdoor challenges. He appeared on the award-winning show Law of the Jungle. Wang established his own label, TEAM WANG design. He wanted to present elements from the East in his Asian brand. He is currently focused on his solo music career and business pursuits. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Jackson Wang is mentioned in below section.

Address of Jackson Wang

The address of Jackson Wang is 311 E 23rd St Apt 8nn, New York, New York 10010, USA.

Contact Number of Jackson Wang

The contact number of Jackson Wang is +1 (424) 324 1088.

Email Address of Jackson Wang

The email address of Jackson Wang is ackson.wang@effem.com.

Website of Jackson Wang

The Website of Jackson Wang is jackson-wang.com.

Contact Person of Jackson Wang

The contact person of Jackson Wang is Jackson Wang.

Jackson Wang Source of Knowledge

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