Diana Wang Address and Contact Number
Diana Wang Contact Phone Number is : +1 8690952708
and Address is 620 Citadel Dr in Walnut, CA 91789, USA.Diana Wang is a Dutch singer and film actress. Diana Wang is a singer known for combining Chinese opera with R&B and modern pop. Some of her popular songs include: "Fade Away, "Somebody Else, "Bedroom, "Machines, and "Make You Feel. Mid-Columbia Youth Symphony, founder and violinist; editor-in-chief of the national-award winning yearbook, "The Gyre"; National Honor Society; Knowledge Bowl, team captain: state championships; varsity cross country team; Hanford High School Drama department, concertmaster of pit orchestra. she is known for her talent, dedication, passion, and creativity. Wang's music is influenced by traditional Chinese performing arts and R&B music. Wang's music blends Eastern culture with Western melodies, fusing alternative R&B with retro styles. Wang was born Chu Lan-ting in Gorinchem, the Netherlands on November 14, 1990. She has ancestry from Shanghai. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Diana Wang is mentioned in below section.
Address of Diana Wang
The address of Diana Wang is 620 Citadel Dr in Walnut, CA 91789, USA..Contact Number of Diana Wang
The contact number of Diana Wang is +1 8690952708.Email Address of Diana Wang
The email address of Diana Wang is yaya.shi@sonymusic.com.Website of Diana Wang
The Website of Diana Wang is www.DianaWangOfficial.com.Contact Person of Diana Wang
The contact person of Diana Wang is Diana Wang.Email this information
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