Dynamo Stadium Address and Contact Number

Dynamo Stadium Contact Phone Number is : (713) 276-7500

and Address is 2200 Texas Street, Houston, Texas, United States of America
Dynamo Stadium is called as BBVA Compass Stadium which is a soccer Stadium. The very Famous American Football team Houston Dynamo plays their home game in this Stadium. The Stadium was opened in May 12, 2012 with the cost of 95 million American dollars. The Stadium has mightiness of holding 22,039 number of spectators. Its surface is made from Tifway 419 Bermuda grass and has the dimensions of 115 × 70 yards. The Stadium includes 34 private suites, 1,100 club seats, premium club, dedicated supporters stand and food courts. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dynamo Stadium is mentioned in below section.

Address of Dynamo Stadium

The address of Dynamo Stadium is 2200 Texas Street, Houston, Texas, United States of America.

Contact Number of Dynamo Stadium

The contact number of Dynamo Stadium is (713) 276-7500.

Email Address of Dynamo Stadium

The email address of Dynamo Stadium is info@houstondynamo.com.

Website of Dynamo Stadium

The Website of Dynamo Stadium is www.bbvacompassstadium.com.

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Dynamo Stadium Address Contact Number
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