Ellis Park Stadium Address and Contact Number
Ellis Park Stadium Contact Phone Number is : (011)4028644
and Address is 47 N.Park Lane Doornfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa.Ellis park Stadium is an multi purpose Stadium which was earlier known as Coca-Cola park. It was opened in 1928 and renovated in 2009. It is used to play both rugby and Football. It has the capacity of 62,000 seats for spectators. City of Johannesburg are the Owner of the Stadium. It has hosted many sporting events such as it was the venue of final match of 1995 rugby world cup. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ellis Park Stadium is mentioned in below section.
Address of Ellis Park Stadium
The address of Ellis Park Stadium is 47 N.Park Lane Doornfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa..Contact Number of Ellis Park Stadium
The contact number of Ellis Park Stadium is (011)4028644.Email Address of Ellis Park Stadium
The email address of Ellis Park Stadium is diannen@ellispark.co.za.Website of Ellis Park Stadium
The Website of Ellis Park Stadium is www.ellispark.co.za.Email this information
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