Choi Hong man Address and Contact Number

Choi Hong man Contact Phone Number is : +822 621-025-001

and Address is 68 Fat Kwong Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon City, Kowloon
Choi Hong-man, often anglicised to Hongman Choi, is a South Korean kickboxer, mixed martial artist, and former ssireum wrestler. In Asia, he is called "Che Man", "Techno Goliath", "Korean Monster" and "Korean Colossus". He won the 2005 K-1 Seoul Grand Prix beating Kaoklai Kaennorsing in the finals. Choi Hong-man is a South Korean mixed martial artist, kickboxer, and former ssireum wrestler. He was born on October 30, 1980. In Asia, he is also known as "Che Man", "Techno Goliath", "Korean Monster", and "Korean Colossus". Choi won the 2005 K-1 Seoul Grand Prix, becoming the Asian champion. Choi also had a singing career with model Kang Soo Hee under the name Beauty & The Beast. Choi has also acted in several movies and TV shows, including Kaibutsu-kun, Goemon, and Tokumei kakarichô Tadano Hitoshi: Saigo no gekijôban. Choi was also known for his gentle demeanor, which made him a popular media personality. He currently living in Korea again and is now doing a little exercise for his health rather than martial arts. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Choi Hong man is mentioned in below section.

Address of Choi Hong-man

The address of Choi Hong-man is 68 Fat Kwong Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon City, Kowloon.

Contact Number of Choi Hong-man

The contact number of Choi Hong-man is +822 621-025-001.

Email Address of Choi Hong-man

The email address of Choi Hong-man is

Website of Choi Hong-man

The Website of Choi Hong-man is

Contact Person of Choi Hong-man

The contact person of Choi Hong-man is Choi Hong-man.

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