Chennai Corporation Address and Contact Number

Chennai Corporation Contact Phone Number is : 04425619300

and Address is No.206, TH Road, Tondiarpet, Chennai
Chennai Corporation or Corporation of Chennai is the governing body of the city of Chennai. Chennai Corporation is the oldest municipal corporation in the commonwealth nations and it was founded in 1688. Chennai Corporation is the Council is regulated by a mayor who assigns wards to 200 Councillors. The address and contact number of Chennai Corporation is also used for Chennai Corporation Property Tax, Chennai Corporation Zones, Chennai Corporation Property Tax Status, Chennai Corporation Complaints and Chennai Corporation Map. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Chennai Corporation is mentioned in below section.

Address of Chennai Corporation

The address of Chennai Corporation is No.206, TH Road, Tondiarpet, Chennai.

Contact Number of Chennai Corporation

The contact number of Chennai Corporation is 04425619300.

Email Address of Chennai Corporation

The email address of Chennai Corporation is

Website of Chennai Corporation

The Website of Chennai Corporation is

Contact Person of Chennai Corporation

The contact person of Chennai Corporation is Saidai Sa. Duraisamy.

Chennai Corporation Source of Knowledge
Chennai Corporation Address Contact Number
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Chennai Corporation User Reports

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Mr. Dr.A.Shaw Nawaz KhanJan 13, 2015
I have been trying to pay the property tax online for the past 15 days. Unfortunately the internet connection says it is timed out. Probably, either there is fault in net working or the connection is not restored at your end. Please kindly check it and do the needful.
Dr A. Shaw Nawaz Khan.
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Mr. N. ManiOct 11, 2013
Kindly take necessary action against the street parking of four wheelers and mini vans on both sides of the streets and the heavy vehicles of IT Companies and Engineering Colleges on both sides of the road. As they are encroaching the public property and causing hindrance to the traffic and the reason for accident.The concept for platform also not in use. Thus the elderly,Children and visually affected persons are unable to walk. the chain snatching also due to this only. The encroaching of Street/Road parking can be reduced by Charging some amount per amount to the vehicles on Sq.ft. basis for the area covered. I think Such practice is in Bangalore City .It will give the more revenue to the Corporation. Necessary action is requested please. .
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Mr. JesurajJul 22, 2013
The Chennai corporation website has been doing great! However it is down for the past couple of days. I hope they would make sure that such important websites do not go down/disappear so easily.
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