Anup Jalota Address and Contact Number

Anup Jalota Contact Phone Number is : +91-22-24453232, 022-24461638, Fax No : +91(22) 24449888

and Address is Mohan Nivas, 56, Keluskar Road, Shivaji Park, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Anup Jalota is an Indian singer and musician. He is best known for his religious songs and bhajans. Anup Jalota started his singing career as a chorus singer on 'All India Radio'. He is rewarded with Padmashree for his work in the field of Art-Indian Classical Music- Vocal. He is also known as Bhajan Samraat. He was born in Nainital, Uttarakhand and took his Education from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. The address and contact number of Anup Jalota is also used for Anup Jalota ghazals, Anup Jalota aisi lagi lagan, Anup Jalota medha jalota, Anup Jalota songs, Hanuman chalisa Anup Jalota, Hindi bhajan Anup Jalota, Anup Jalota bhajans list and Anup Jalota krishna bhajans. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Anup Jalota is mentioned in below section.

Address of Anup Jalota

The address of Anup Jalota is Mohan Nivas, 56, Keluskar Road, Shivaji Park, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Contact Number of Anup Jalota

The contact number of Anup Jalota is +91-22-24453232, 022-24461638, Fax No : +91(22) 24449888.

Email Address of Anup Jalota

The email address of Anup Jalota is

Website of Anup Jalota

The Website of Anup Jalota is

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Anup Jalota Address Contact Number
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Ms. Chandana AdhikaryNov 18, 2014
He is the god of song to me. His songs and singing capacity make one feel the real feeling of god and the presence of God. My best regards to him. I feel I am lucky because I can write to-day abut him.
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