Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center Address and Contact Number

Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center Contact Phone Number is : 02 941 6289

and Address is Santo Niño, Marikina City, Philippines
Amang Rodriguez medical Center (ARMC) is situated in Marikina City. Amang Rodriguez medical Center is a 150 bed medical center. The medical center provides the wide range of pediatrics, ophtalmology, Medicine and surgery. It also works as a Research and training location for health employees in their chosen expertise. The center is named after the Rizal Governor Isidro S. Rodriguez. The emergency servICE of the medical center is available 24 hour. All the doctors and medical staff is well trained and qualified. The address and contact number of Amang Rodriguez Memorial medical Center is also used for Amang Rodriguez Memorial medical Center telephone number, Amang Rodriguez Memorial medical Center logo, Amang Rodriguez Memorial medical Center ivt training, Quirino memorial medical center and Jose R Reyes memorial medical center. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center is mentioned in below section.

Address of Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center

The address of Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center is Santo Niño, Marikina City, Philippines.

Contact Number of Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center

The contact number of Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center is 02 941 6289.

Email Address of Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center

The email address of Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center is

Website of Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center

The Website of Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center is .

Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center Address Contact Number
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