Alex Liatsos Address and Contact Number

Alex Liatsos Contact Phone Number is : +357 99666297

and Address is 1144 Porfyriou Dikaiou, 2414 Engomi, Nicosia, Cyprus
Alexandros "Alex" Liatsos is a Cypriot professional basketball player who currently plays for Proteas AEL of the Cyprus Basketball Division 1. He played college basketball with the Ohio Bobcats men's basketball team and Olney Central College from 1998 to 2002. Liatsos also represents Cyprus in international competition and FIBA events. He has competed with the national team on multiple occasions. He is represented by different agencies in his entire career. He has played in Cyuprus, Greece, France and USA. He currently plays for Proteas AEL of the Cyprus Basketball Division 1. He is considered to be one of the most followed youth icon in the country. He is true example of hardwork, dedication and sportsmanship. His qualities are he is a good team leader and a better decision maker. He is sharp-minded and have a active presence of mind which led him to the success in the field of basketball. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Alex Liatsos is mentioned in below section.

Address of Alex Liatsos

The address of Alex Liatsos is 1144 Porfyriou Dikaiou, 2414 Engomi, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Contact Number of Alex Liatsos

The contact number of Alex Liatsos is +357 99666297.

Email Address of Alex Liatsos

The email address of Alex Liatsos is

Website of Alex Liatsos

The Website of Alex Liatsos is

Contact Person of Alex Liatsos

The contact person of Alex Liatsos is Alex Liatsos.

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