Aakash Tablet Address and Contact Number

Aakash Tablet Contact Phone Number is : 18001802180

and Address is 563 Baba Deep Singh Complex, East Mohan Nagar, Amritsar -143001
Aakash tablet is a tablet project of Government of India with association of a British Company DataWind. Manufacturing of tablet is under control of Banglore based Company Quad. Aakash Tablet has 7 inch display with ARM 11 processor and 256 MB RAM. With the capability of HD video playback and universal serial bus support Aakash tablet is the cheapest tablet in its range. The address and contact number of Aakash Tablet is also used for Aakash Tablet status, Aakash Tablet booking, Aakash Tablet online booking, Aakash Tablet booking status, Ubislate Delivery status, Aakash Tablet prICE, Aakash Tablet features, Aakash Tablet buy online and Aakash Tablet review. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Aakash Tablet is mentioned in below section.

Address of Aakash Tablet

The address of Aakash Tablet is 563 Baba Deep Singh Complex, East Mohan Nagar, Amritsar -143001.

Contact Number of Aakash Tablet

The contact number of Aakash Tablet is 18001802180.

Email Address of Aakash Tablet

The email address of Aakash Tablet is pr@datawind.com.

Website of Aakash Tablet

The Website of Aakash Tablet is www.ubislate.com.

Aakash Tablet Source of Knowledge

Aakash Tablet Address Contact Number
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Aakash Tablet User Reports

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Mr. DHANJEE PRASADAug 21, 2013
i had booked akash tablet at launching time, yesterday i got some calls from this side but i can not listened sharply. I want to know whether process is going on or not for the delivery ? why they have called me ?
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