YAKTAK Address and Contact Number

YAKTAK Contact Phone Number is : +380 993591455

and Address is Zborovska 82/7, Prague, 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia.
Yaroslav Mykolaiovych Karpuk, known professionally as Yaktak, is a Ukrainian singer and songwriter of pop and hip-hop. He , has become a sensation in the Ukrainian music scene. YAKTAK is a rising star in the Pop music scene, and both young and elderly fans are sure to love them for their distinctive sound and contagious energy. Yaktak's songs often rank high in the TOP 10. Has worked with Jerry Heil, MamaRika, SOBOL, DOVI, Kola, and Golubenko. Yaktak won an award at the 2023 Muzvar Awards. With accessible lyrics and contagious melodies, YAKTAK is renowned for their ability to produce Pop songs that are upbeat and emotive while also establishing a personal connection with their listeners. He is currently a finalist in the Ukrainian preselection for the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest. His song "Lalala" placed fourth in the competition. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of YAKTAK is mentioned in below section.

Address of YAKTAK

The address of YAKTAK is Zborovska 82/7, Prague, 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia..

Contact Number of YAKTAK

The contact number of YAKTAK is +380 993591455.

Email Address of YAKTAK

The email address of YAKTAK is mail@yaktakmusic.com.

Website of YAKTAK

The Website of YAKTAK is yaktakmusic.com.

Contact Person of YAKTAK

The contact person of YAKTAK is Yaroslav Mykolaiovych Karpuk.

YAKTAK Source of Knowledge

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