Xavier Naidoo Address and Contact Number

Xavier Naidoo Contact Phone Number is : +44 (0)621 18144000

and Address is Kamenzerstrasse 10 68309 Mannheim Germany
Xavier Kurt Naidoo is a German soul and R&B singer, songwriter and record producer. He is a founding member of German band Söhne Mannheims, and started two record labels, Beats Around the Bush and Naidoo Records. Naidoo also has a successful solo career. He is a founding member of German band Söhne Mannheims, and started two record labels, Beats Around the Bush and Naidoo Records. Xavier Naidoo is a German singer who has influenced German pop music for decades. His music has been described as having a utopian, pan-theistic ideology that expresses his political views. His work has also been said to be grounded in Old Testament narratives and apocalyptic sentiments. Naidoo and Turkish-German rapper Kool Savas formed the duo Xavas and released the album Gespaltene Persönlichkeit in 2012.
Naidoo released "Eye Opener" on Kris Menace's vocal collaboration album Features in 2013. He currently resides in Heidelberg in his native Germany. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Xavier Naidoo is mentioned in below section.

Address of Xavier Naidoo

The address of Xavier Naidoo is Kamenzerstrasse 10 68309 Mannheim Germany.

Contact Number of Xavier Naidoo

The contact number of Xavier Naidoo is +44 (0)621 18144000.

Email Address of Xavier Naidoo

The email address of Xavier Naidoo is info@xaviernaidoo.de.

Website of Xavier Naidoo

The Website of Xavier Naidoo is www.xaviernaidoo.de.

Contact Person of Xavier Naidoo

The contact person of Xavier Naidoo is Xavier Naidoo.

Xavier Naidoo Source of Knowledge

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