Windsor Assembly Plant Address and Contact Number
Windsor Assembly Plant Contact Phone Number is : (519) 973-2000
and Address is 2199 Chrysler Centre, Windsor, Ontario, CanadaWindsor assembly plant is a Chrysler auto-mobile factory, built in 1928 and has the strength of 4,429 employees. The factory started minivan production in 1983. Windsor assembly plant is spread in an area of 50 hectares. The plant was engaged in the production of Generation I Dodge Caravan and Plymouth Voyager minivans from 1983 until 1991. It started manufacturing the Generation III (NS) minivan in 1995. Now the factory is producing Generation IV (RT) minivan. The address and contact number of Windsor assembly Plant is also used for Windsor assembly Plant mailing address, Windsor assembly Plant phone number, Windsor assembly Plant postal code, Windsor assembly Plant jobs, Windsor assembly Plant shutdown, Windsor assembly Plant manager and Windsor assembly Plant News. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Windsor Assembly Plant is mentioned in below section.
Address of Windsor Assembly Plant
The address of Windsor Assembly Plant is 2199 Chrysler Centre, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.Contact Number of Windsor Assembly Plant
The contact number of Windsor Assembly Plant is (519) 973-2000.Email Address of Windsor Assembly Plant
The email address of Windsor Assembly Plant is .Website of Windsor Assembly Plant
The Website of Windsor Assembly Plant is this information
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