Wanamaker Building Philadelphia Address and Contact Number
Wanamaker Building Philadelphia Contact Phone Number is : +1 215-561-6955
and Address is 13th Street and Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103, United StatesWanamaker Building is a Famous building in the United States which is named after John Wanamaker. The building was used as departmental store. In the beginning of 20th century, there were two major Wanamaker department store located in Philadelphia and New York, later on developed into big chain. Today the chain is known as Macy's. The building is built in Renaissance architectural style. Its all floor has some specialties that make the building unique. The building houses furniture floor, Crystal Tea Room, Radio broadcasting Station, Egyptian Hall Auditorium etc. The address and contact number of Wanamaker Building Philadelphia is also used for Wanamaker Building tenants, Wanamaker Building apartments, Wanamaker Building parking, Wanamaker Building chop and Wanamaker Building crystal tea room. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Wanamaker Building Philadelphia is mentioned in below section.
Address of Wanamaker Building Philadelphia
The address of Wanamaker Building Philadelphia is 13th Street and Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103, United States.Contact Number of Wanamaker Building Philadelphia
The contact number of Wanamaker Building Philadelphia is +1 215-561-6955.Email Address of Wanamaker Building Philadelphia
The email address of Wanamaker Building Philadelphia is .Website of Wanamaker Building Philadelphia
The Website of Wanamaker Building Philadelphia is .Email this information
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