Vladimir Kuzmin Address and Contact Number

Vladimir Kuzmin Contact Phone Number is : +7 (499)1245996

and Address is 36 Nakhimovsky Avenue, Moscow, 117997, Russia.
Vladimir Borisovich Kuzmin is a Russian rock singer, guitarist, and songwriter. Vladimir Kuzmin's first album My love released in 1987. Vladimir Kuzmin's album "MAKhAGON," which was released in 2021, was a tremendous hit. The music on the album is a blend of blues and rock. Kuzmin is best known for his ballads, which have rich and complex lyrics. “The most important for me is the synergy of text and music,” Kuzmin once told reporters. But he is also celebrated for his musical abilities: he performs on guitar, violin and drums. The immense importance of Vladimir the Great as national and religious founder resulted in Vladimir becoming one of the most frequently-given Russian names. Vladimir Kuzmin is one of the most talented singers of rock music in the USSR. Kuzmin managed to win the hearts of millions of music lovers with extreme hardwork and dedication in his music career. Vladimir Kuzmin and Behringer announced, that they have entered into a collaboration to develop a new Polivoks synthesizer. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Vladimir Kuzmin is mentioned in below section.

Address of Vladimir Kuzmin

The address of Vladimir Kuzmin is 36 Nakhimovsky Avenue, Moscow, 117997, Russia..

Contact Number of Vladimir Kuzmin

The contact number of Vladimir Kuzmin is +7 (499)1245996.

Email Address of Vladimir Kuzmin

The email address of Vladimir Kuzmin is info@ocean.ru.

Website of Vladimir Kuzmin

The Website of Vladimir Kuzmin is www.onefc.ru.

Contact Person of Vladimir Kuzmin

The contact person of Vladimir Kuzmin is Matti Pellonpaa.

Vladimir Kuzmin Source of Knowledge

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