Virginia Wade Address and Contact Number

Virginia Wade Contact Phone Number is : +44 0207 1010 553

and Address is 30 Great Pulteney Street London W1F 9NN UK
Sarah Virginia Wade OBE is a British former professional tennis player. She won three major tennis singles championships and four major doubles championships, and is the only British woman in history to have won titles at all four majors. Virginia Wade's biggest achievement was winning the 1977 Wimbledon women's singles championship. This was a memorable moment in Wimbledon history and made Wade the last British player to win the tournament until Andy Murray in 2013. Queen Elizabeth II presented Wade with the trophy during her Silver Jubilee year. Over her career, Wade won 55 professional singles championships and amassed $1,542,278 in career prize money. She was ranked in the world's top 10 continuously from 1967 to 1979. Her career spanned a total of 26 years. Athletic and lithe, Wade had an almost cat-like quality on court, but gained a reputation for inconsistency. During her early years in professional tennis, she was prone to on-court tantrums and frequently wore her heart on her sleeve. After retiring from competitive tennis, she coached for four years, and has also worked as a tennis commentator and game analyst for the BBC and Eurosport, and (in the US) for CBS. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Virginia Wade is mentioned in below section.

Address of Virginia Wade

The address of Virginia Wade is 30 Great Pulteney Street London W1F 9NN UK.

Contact Number of Virginia Wade

The contact number of Virginia Wade is +44 0207 1010 553.

Email Address of Virginia Wade

The email address of Virginia Wade is

Website of Virginia Wade

The Website of Virginia Wade is Not Known.

Contact Person of Virginia Wade

The contact person of Virginia Wade is Virginia Wade.

Virginia Wade Source of Knowledge

Not Known
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