Uwe Von Schamann Address and Contact Number

Uwe Von Schamann Contact Phone Number is : +49 405 205 6477

and Address is Malteserstr, 74-100, House B Room 204, Building B 12249 Berlin
Uwe Detlef Walter von Schamann is a former professional American football placekicker. He played for the Miami Dolphins of the National Football League, from 1979 to 1984. He was most noted for making a clutch game-winning kick in the final seconds of the 1977 game at Ohio State, after leading the crowd in a "block that kick" chant. In Sooner lore, this play came to be known simply as "The Kick. In 1999, von Schamann was named the All-Century Oklahoma kicker. As a rookie, von Schamann converted 36 of 40 extra point attempts and 21 of 29 field goal attempts in the 1979 season. In the 1980 season, he converted all 32 extra point attempts and 14 of 23 field goal attempts. In the 1981 season, he converted 37 of 38 extra point attempts and 24 of 31 field goal attempts. Now, He is the director of Development at J.D. McCarty Center. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Uwe Von Schamann is mentioned in below section.

Address of Uwe Von Schamann

The address of Uwe Von Schamann is Malteserstr, 74-100, House B Room 204, Building B 12249 Berlin.

Contact Number of Uwe Von Schamann

The contact number of Uwe Von Schamann is +49 405 205 6477.

Email Address of Uwe Von Schamann

The email address of Uwe Von Schamann is uwe@tkvw.com.

Website of Uwe Von Schamann

The Website of Uwe Von Schamann is www.tkvw.com.

Contact Person of Uwe Von Schamann

The contact person of Uwe Von Schamann is Uwe von Schamann.

Uwe Von Schamann Source of Knowledge

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