Upes Dehradun Address and Contact Number

Upes Dehradun Contact Phone Number is : 01352776201, 01352776061, 01352776053

and Address is Bidholi Campus Office Energy Acres, Post Office Bidholi Via-Prem Nagar, Dehradun, Uttrakhnad Pin Code: 248007
The University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES) is Famous University expert in the sector of oil & gas, Energy, IT, InterNational Business, infrastructure, Law Education and many others. Established in 2003, the University provides the Education more than 5000 Students each year. The address and contact number of Upes Dehradun is also used for Upes Dehradun Fee Structure, Upes Dehradun Ranking, Upes Dehradun Law, Upes Dehradun Placements, Upes Dehradun Results and Upes Dehradun Reviews.

Contact No: 01352776054, 01352776095, 01352102691
Enrollment OffICE Contact No: 01352102549, 8410060090, 8410080040
Fax No: 01352776090 The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Upes Dehradun is mentioned in below section.

Address of Upes Dehradun

The address of Upes Dehradun is Bidholi Campus Office Energy Acres, Post Office Bidholi Via-Prem Nagar, Dehradun, Uttrakhnad Pin Code: 248007.

Contact Number of Upes Dehradun

The contact number of Upes Dehradun is 01352776201, 01352776061, 01352776053.

Email Address of Upes Dehradun

The email address of Upes Dehradun is enrollments@upes.ac.in.

Website of Upes Dehradun

The Website of Upes Dehradun is www.upes.ac.in.

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Upes Dehradun Address Contact Number
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