University of York Kings Manor Address and Contact Number

University of York Kings Manor Contact Phone Number is : +44 1904 433995

and Address is The University of York, Exhibition Square, York YO1 7EP, United Kingdom
The King's Manor is a College academic building situated in York, England, United States. The building is owned by The University of York. It is used for conference, event Seminar and function of the University. The University of York is a public Institute. Main Campus of the University is based in York, United Kingdom. The University was formed in 1963. It offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in numerous fields such as Computer Science, Archaeology, arts, Biology, medical, Chemistry, Music, Business, Law, Social Work, Art etc. It has more than 15,265 Students. The University of York consists of 26 academic departments. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of University of York Kings Manor is mentioned in below section.

Address of University of York Kings Manor

The address of University of York Kings Manor is The University of York, Exhibition Square, York YO1 7EP, United Kingdom.

Contact Number of University of York Kings Manor

The contact number of University of York Kings Manor is +44 1904 433995.

Email Address of University of York Kings Manor

The email address of University of York Kings Manor is .

Website of University of York Kings Manor

The Website of University of York Kings Manor is

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University of York Kings Manor Address Contact Number
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