University of Iowa Recreation Building Address and Contact Number

University of Iowa Recreation Building Contact Phone Number is : +1-319.335.9293, +1-319-335-8032

and Address is 930 Evashevski Drive, Iowa, United States
The recreation Building was started in 1969 and is equipped with the various facilities such as 200 meter jogging track, an area that can be utilized for indoor soccer and other activities. It is home for the track teams. To use recreation Building, people has to take the membership of the facility or pay daily. The building is located near the Football ground and parking facility is also available here. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of University of Iowa Recreation Building is mentioned in below section.

Address of University of Iowa Recreation Building

The address of University of Iowa Recreation Building is 930 Evashevski Drive, Iowa, United States.

Contact Number of University of Iowa Recreation Building

The contact number of University of Iowa Recreation Building is +1-319.335.9293, +1-319-335-8032.

Email Address of University of Iowa Recreation Building

The email address of University of Iowa Recreation Building is

Website of University of Iowa Recreation Building

The Website of University of Iowa Recreation Building is

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University of Iowa Recreation Building Address Contact Number
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