University of Illinois At Chicago Address and Contact Number

University of Illinois At Chicago Contact Phone Number is : 312-996-7000

and Address is 700 South Halsted Street, Chicago, Illinois, United States
The University of Illinois at Chicago is a co-Educational University that provides structural biology, neuroscience Program, graduate Education in medical sciences, guaranteed professional Programs admissions Program, moving image arts Program and other 72 bachelor degrees, 77 master degrees and 60 doctoral degrees and also offers athletic facilities. The University was founded in 1858 as a Chicago College of pharmacy and as a University of Illinois at Chicago founded in 1982. Robert Easter is the current president and Paula Allen-Meares is the current chancellor of the University. Around 28,091 Students(16,925 undergraduates and 11,166 postgraduates) are Studying in the University and approximately 2,473 academic staff in the University. The urban Campus is the main Campus spread in an area around 244 acres. University is affiliated to the universities Research association, great cities' universities. It is also known as a UIC Flames. The address and contact number of University of Illinois At Chicago is also used for University of Illinois At Chicago ranking, Northwestern University, University of Illinois At Chicago tuition, University of Illinois At Chicago address, University of Illinois At Chicago computer science, University of Illinois At Chicago Athletics, University of Illinois At Chicago dental School and University of Illinois At Chicago computer science ranking. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of University of Illinois At Chicago is mentioned in below section.

Address of University of Illinois At Chicago

The address of University of Illinois At Chicago is 700 South Halsted Street, Chicago, Illinois, United States.

Contact Number of University of Illinois At Chicago

The contact number of University of Illinois At Chicago is 312-996-7000.

Email Address of University of Illinois At Chicago

The email address of University of Illinois At Chicago is

Website of University of Illinois At Chicago

The Website of University of Illinois At Chicago is

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University of Illinois At Chicago Address Contact Number
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