Union Hospital Terre Haute in Address and Contact Number

Union Hospital Terre Haute in Contact Phone Number is : +1 812-238-7000

and Address is Union Hospital, 7th Street Entrance, 1606 N. 7th St., Terre Haute, IN 47804
The Union Hospital was opened in 1892. Doctors Benjamin F. Swafford and Leo J. Weinstein was the founder of this Hospital. Hospital old name is Terre Haute. Terre Haute was expanded in 1922. Union Hospital center obtained a full three-year certification from the healthcare facility AcCreditation Program in Oct of 2004. This Hospital received 2012 Tribune Star Readers' ChoICE Award. Hospital Services are Acupuncture, Advanced medical Technology, Asthma, Behavioral healthcare, Breast Care, Cancer Care Services, Cardiovascular Testing, Chaplain's OffICE, Clara Fairbanks Center for Women, Clay City Center for Family Medicine, Cork medical Center, Corporate Compliance, Diabetes, Emergency, Family Medicine Center, Family Medicine Residency, Flu - Pandemic, Fitness Center, Heart health, healthCheck, HospICE, Hospitalist Program, Imaging Services, Infections - MRSA, Intensive Care Services, Joint Replacement Center, Landsbaum Center, Lugar Center for Rural health, Massage Therapy, Maternity Services, medical Records, medical Rehabilitation Center, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Occupational health, Pediatrics, Pulmonary and Lung health, RTS Bereavement, Therapy Services etc. The address and contact number of Union Hospital Terre Haute in is also used for aute in, Union Hospital terre haute in anesthesiologist, Union Hospital terre haute in medical records, Union Hospital terre haute CEO, Union Hospital terre haute doctors and Union Hospital terre haute News.

Union Hospital Clinton:
801 S. Main Street
Clinton, IN 47842
(765) 832-1234 The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Union Hospital Terre Haute in is mentioned in below section.

Address of Union Hospital Terre Haute in

The address of Union Hospital Terre Haute in is Union Hospital, 7th Street Entrance, 1606 N. 7th St., Terre Haute, IN 47804.

Contact Number of Union Hospital Terre Haute in

The contact number of Union Hospital Terre Haute in is +1 812-238-7000.

Email Address of Union Hospital Terre Haute in

The email address of Union Hospital Terre Haute in is .

Website of Union Hospital Terre Haute in

The Website of Union Hospital Terre Haute in is wwww.uhhg.org.

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Union Hospital Terre Haute in Address Contact Number
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