Ukba Sheffield Address and Contact Number
Ukba Sheffield Contact Phone Number is : +44 0870 606 7766, Fax : +44 0800 389 8289
and Address is Vulcan House, Riverside Entrance, 6 Millsands, Sheffield S3 8NU, EnglandUKBA is originally United Kingdom Border Agency as clear from its name the agency is responsible to look after the borders of the Country with other countries. The agency was established through the merger of other Governmental agencies which were Border and Immigration Agency (BIA), UKvisas and the Detection functions of HM Revenue and Customs on 1 April 2008. The agency is having its offICE all around the Country and holds its main offICE in the capital city of London. The agency have several powers granted to them which are Immigration powers like the offICErs of immigration department have the power of arrest and detention through the Immigration Act 1971, Customs powers etc. The address and contact number of Ukba Sheffield is also used for Ukba Sheffield parking, Ukba Sheffield Biometric, Ukba Sheffield Premium ServICE, Ukba Sheffield Jobs and Ukba Sheffield Appointment. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ukba Sheffield is mentioned in below section.
Address of Ukba Sheffield
The address of Ukba Sheffield is Vulcan House, Riverside Entrance, 6 Millsands, Sheffield S3 8NU, England.Contact Number of Ukba Sheffield
The contact number of Ukba Sheffield is +44 0870 606 7766, Fax : +44 0800 389 8289.Email Address of Ukba Sheffield
The email address of Ukba Sheffield is .Website of Ukba Sheffield
The Website of Ukba Sheffield is this information
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