Trishla Chaturvedi Address and Contact Number

Trishla Chaturvedi Contact Phone Number is : +91 8700547354

and Address is Kartapura, Industrial Area, Van Vihar Colony, Kartarpura, Gopal Pura Mode, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302006, India
Trishla Chaturvedi is an astrologer based in Jaipur who holds a PhD in astrology. Originally from Kota, Rajasthan, she completed her education in Jaipur. Trishla Chaturvedi grew up in a family of astrologers. Her past ten generations have worked as astrologers. When she was 20 years old, she started healing people with various astrology services. She then started making videos on vastu and mantras on her YouTube channel with which she gained immense popularity. On her YouTube channel, she has more than 1.1 million subscribers as of 2024. A PhD holder from Jaipur, she founded "Krishna Sarthi" Gurukul and earned accolades, including the "Best Astrologer" award. Beyond academia, she plans a Lord Krishna temple. Her belief in astrology's legitimacy led to an online consultancy, blending tarot cards with profound insights. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Trishla Chaturvedi is mentioned in below section.

Address of Trishla Chaturvedi

The address of Trishla Chaturvedi is Kartapura, Industrial Area, Van Vihar Colony, Kartarpura, Gopal Pura Mode, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302006, India.

Contact Number of Trishla Chaturvedi

The contact number of Trishla Chaturvedi is +91 8700547354.

Email Address of Trishla Chaturvedi

The email address of Trishla Chaturvedi is

Website of Trishla Chaturvedi

The Website of Trishla Chaturvedi is

Contact Person of Trishla Chaturvedi

The contact person of Trishla Chaturvedi is Trishla Chaturvedi.

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